Saturday, June 9, 2012

Seeking a Sign

I have a question for my readers.

If you personally witnessed a "miracle" of God, would you more easily believe in God?

If you were with Moses when God parted the Red Sea, would the existence of God be undeniable to you?

While most of us would like to think witnessing a miracle of God would seal up any lingering uncertainty, it is rarely the soul source of faith. What I mean by this is miracles of God in and of themselves are not the answers to doubt. "Signs" cannot be the source of our faith. Furthermore, seeking a sign for proof of God is actually rebuked by Christ.

Luke 11:29-30
When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, "This generation is an evil generation. It seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be to this generation.

Earlier I asked if witnessing the parting of the Red Sea would erase an individuals doubt. According to scripture, this miracle had little impact on the people of God. In chapter 14 the Israelites cross the BOTTOM of the Red Sea and in chapter 16 they are lacking food and doubt God will provide it. Now scripture does say that after the parting of the Red Sea the people feared the Lord and believed in him and his servant Moses (Exodus 14:31). However, their incomplete faith is apparent in their grumblings for food in chapter 16. How can one witness a sea part and not fully trust God in everything from that point forward? It is apparent that since the Israelites didn't find their faith only in "signs", that God doesn't intend for us to find our faith only in "signs" either. The Israelites didn't need to witness the parting of the Red Sea to believe in God. God's existence is beyond "signs" because it is written on our hearts (Romans 2:15).

So what else supplements our faith?

While God himself is ultimately the source and giver of our faith, his holy word is also another well of faith.

Roman 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Ultimately, faith is something given by God. Faith is most commonly granted or increased by the confirming of the truth that is written on our hearts with the truth that resides in scripture (the word of God). Miracles are something God did and still does. However, seeking miracles in order to obtain faith will not only leave you disappointed, but also working against how God designed faith. Seek God's face in prayer, scripture, and community. Walk by the Spirit and love others.

Grace and Peace,

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