Monday, April 23, 2012

How faithful is God?

God is so faithful that he tells us how to pray (The Lord's Prayer) because he already knows everything we need. (Matthew 6:8)

God is so faithful that he has only cursed the ground once (with the flood) because of man's evil heart.  Furthermore, in his promise to never curse the earth again he has had to supplement destroying earth upon his return with restoring/renewing earth. (Genesis 8:21 and Revelation 21).

God is so faithful (don't forget loving) that while we were STILL sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

God is so faithful that even when we wander he never leaves us nor forsakes us.  (Deuteronomy 31:6)

The things God CANNOT do can be counted on about one hand.  He is so faithful that one of the few things God CANNOT do is remember your sin once you have confessed it.

I would be interested to see how many different "God is so faithful" responses I could get.  Let's see if we can even begin to scratch the surface on how faithful God is!

Grace and Peace,

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